Hire the best tech professionals at ZERO COST

Join hands with Datadrix Institute to build a sustainable talent pipeline tailored to your specific skill requirements, ensuring access to a pool of candidates throughout the year! We’re dedicated to collaborating closely with you to address your entry-level tech hiring needs effectively. Let’s work together to find and nurture top talent for your organization!

Call Us For A Quote Today!

+91 – 9310936989

Zero Hiring Charges

From candidate screening to scheduling & tracking interviews, we handle it all, ensuring a seamless & efficient process

Diverse Talent

With a vast network spanning across Pan-India, we engage with over 100 colleges to source fresh talents to the industry

Proven Track Record

Startups, unicorns, and Fortune 500s like Amazon, Cognizant, Adobe, and more hire our learners

Bulk Hiring

we specialize in working closely with tech companies to address their entry-level tech acquisition needs efficiently and effectively.

Find Your Ideal Candidates with Us!

No compromises

Our students profiles will only be shared with you if we find them ready. 

Reach out to us and let’s discuss how we can collaborate and drive innovation together. Get in touch with us today to explore partnership opportunities and take your business to new heights.

Call Us For A Quote Today!

+91 – 9310936989

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Leetcode Solutions


Question Bank


Coding Competition