DATADRIX : Backend Development

Architecting the Digital Backbone

Explore the dynamic world of backend development with our comprehensive course. In this program, you will dive deep into the technologies and practices that power the backbone of web applications. From designing and managing databases to crafting efficient server-side code, you’ll gain the skills and knowledge needed to build robust and scalable web systems. Our experienced instructors will guide you through the intricacies of backend development, including working with databases, APIs, and server frameworks.Through hands-on projects and real-world applications, you’ll learn to create and optimize the server-side components that drive modern web applications.

  • Over more than 5000+ Questions
  • 1:1 Expert Doubt support
  • Resume Profile Building
  • Deep Explaination of coding
  • Practice problems of varying difficulty
  • Practical & Project Based Learning
  • Structured feedback to make you better
  • Mock interviews with career guidance
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Backend Development

Empower Your Web Creations with Backend Development

Backend development is the backbone of every successful web application and software system. At our institute, we offer a comprehensive and in-depth backend development program that equips you with the skills and knowledge needed to build and maintain the server-side of applications. From handling databases to managing APIs, our expert instructors guide you through the intricacies of backend development. Whether you’re a beginner looking to start a career in web development or an experienced programmer aiming to expand your skill set, our program caters to all levels of expertise.

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Course Syllabus :

A syllabus is a meticulously crafted document that serves as a comprehensive roadmap for the training program. It plays a pivotal role in guiding candidate along their learning journey, offering a structured framework for acquiring knowledge and honing skills.

A well-designed syllabus offers a bird’s-eye view of the course’s content, complete with a meticulous breakdown of modules or units, well-crafted lesson plans, and a timeline for completion. It doesn’t merely outline what candidate will learn but also lays out the precise learning outcomes and objectives that they’re expected to master by the course’s conclusion.

Embedded within the syllabus are detailed descriptions of each topic, accompanied by a treasure trove of learning resources, suggested readings, and insights into the methods by which knowledge will be assessed. It’s not just a map, it’s a compass guiding candidate through a labyrinth of assignments, projects, exams, and a transparent grading system, making their educational journey as informed and rewarding as possible.

Request for DEMO Request Workshop

API details & upgrade

Django Project Structure

Setup Configuration

Github Projects

Linting and Test

Test run project with Docker

Configure database in Django

Creating core APP

Database Migration

Update Docker compose & CI/CD


Normalize email address

Add Superuser

Validate User Model

Test for listing users

Make Django admin user list

Creating and modifying user

Configure URL

Test Swagger UI

Recipe API

Tags API

Image API

Implement recipe filter feature 

Implement tag and ingredient filtering

Review filtering in browser

Add uWSGI to project

Create proxy configs 

Handling configuration

Run & update Services

An Awesome Community

Our students, instructors and mentors come from different colleges, companies, and walks of life.

Meet our team and students

Joining DATADRIX means you’ll create an amazing network, make new connections,
and leverage diverse opportunities.

“Validate Your Expertise and Propel Your Career”

  • Certification: A testament to your skills and knowledge, certifications demonstrate your proficiency in specific areas of expertise, giving you a competitive edge in the job market.
  • Expand Opportunities: Certifications to unlock new career opportunities, gain credibility with employers, and open doors to higher-level positions.
  • Continuous Growth: Certifications not only validate your current skills but also encourage continuous learning and professional development, allowing you to stay updated with the latest industry trends and advancements.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Who can make career transition into Python

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What tools will going to cover

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What is the scope of machine Python

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Duration and scope of python language

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